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The Chasm Between Science and Practice

             People used in efficacy studies have been found to be fundamentally different from those used in natural clinical settings. Efficacy researchers use restrictive inclusion/exclusion criteria. The more selective the patient inclusion criteria, the greater the apparent efficacy of the treatment (Western & Morrison, 2001). In addition empirical findings are based on group means, not on individual patients actually treated (Maling & Howard, 1994). This enhances the treatments efficacy (internal validity), however neglects the importance of treatment generalization (external validity). This suggest that research findings may be over-optimistic and unrealistic when applied to everyday use in a clinical setting. A further problem with the external validity of EST research is that researchers focus only on so called symptoms. They ignore the importance of self-transcendence (Kovacs, 1996) or improvement in overall life adjustment. Outcomes of treatment in efficacy studies are most often assessed on a short-term, targeted basis, typically focused on changes in symptoms rather than on more global changes in personality or quality of life (Goldfried & Wolfe, 1996). If students only get trained in empirically supported treatments and techniques, their future clients may improve in their specific symptoms of perhaps depression, however this may not be enough for them to feel content and happy overall. In addition, when students come to finally practice the ESTs they have learnt, they might get surprised to see that real people are much more complex than people used in efficacy research. .
             "Is the patients` condition responding to the treatment that is being applied?" This is another question often raised in effectiveness versus efficacy research. The position that all psychosocial treatments are all pretty much the same was labeled the "dodo bird verdict" by Luborsky, Singer, and Luborsky (1975).

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