Would you ever consider getting married to a person you never meet or just seen .
once? Most probably no, but this happens to many young males and females throughout .
India and other countries. Arranged marriages are now and have been heated debate in .
certain cultures. Arranged marriages have many young boys and girls to destroy their .
lives, but to others it is considered the most reliable way to find a life partner. Even .
though today's Western society believes in love marriages, parents in many cultures .
disapprove of love marriages for their children. It's very difficult to judge whether .
arranged marriages are good or bad since they have both positive and negative effects.
An arranged marriage is when parents, or eldest male in the family, chooses a .
partner for a young boy or girl. In some situations an aunt, family friend or relative finds .
a partner for the child. Arranged marriages are practiced all over the world, mainly in .
Hindu and Sikh cultures. It does not matter how westernized India or other countries may .
have become, arranged marriages are still practiced. Arranged marriage is basically an .
agreement between two families rather than two young people. The first stage is the .
search for matching horoscopes. The second stage is when the boy begins seeing the girl, .
and visiting each others families and making decisions over the dowry. Then the families .
fix the date for the engagement. After that, the boy and girl are allowed to go out and .
make a connection. During the engagement, a date is fixed for the wedding. In the past, .
an arranged marriage simply meant that the parents choose the partner. Nowadays, the .
parents will suggest the person they feel is suitable for their son or daughter. If the child .
approves after meeting the person and a brief interview then it's final. In some cases, the .
children may even tell their parents whom they have in mind. .
Although this may come as a surprise, there are many positives regarding .