In life there are many important aspects that lead to developing a mature individual. With certain experiences, or the lack thereof, one can be molded into the person that they become in life. Positive experiences lend to a more mature and understanding person, but negative experiences can tear everything down. There are many such experiences, but none is more important in the development of a human being than that of close relationships with the opposite sex. Close relationships are an important aspect in the maturation of people. We often take advantage of them, unknowingly, which drastically change our lives due to the many deteriorating factors of a relationship.
One such deteriorating factor is the lack of intimate personal development in the relationship. In the beginning the interest is on the person and getting to know them more, but later in the relationship the focus is on increasing the output in the relationship. This factors in on the lack of friendships in the relationship because the focus is off the individual and put on other things. This is commonly seen in relationships between younger people, but it is an important factor in the maturation of an individual because it emphasizes the person in the relationship not the relationship itself. We often see this as a prerequisite to the major arguing point in relationships. This, as emotional as it can be, is probably the best developmental aspect for human being maturation. .
The lack of appreciation in an intimate relationship can be seen as a deteriorating factor among a couple. The daily tasks completed by the spouse, in the beginning, go recognized and appreciated, but as the relationship progresses the appreciation for the spouse goes unnoticed and quickly evaporates. This is mostly seen in marriages between two equally busy people. This leads to the high divorce rate in the United States today. This is not as emotional for the people in the relationship, but can be highly emotional for the other family members involved.