White men working and networking with white men. Many times the organization does not even realize that they are inequalities in their agency because they have always done it that way. People tend to get set in their ways and operate on auto-pilot and never see their weakness.
Organizational climates are hard to change and it takes dedication from management to make it happen. Many times the management thinks, "if it's not broken then why fix it?" what they do not realize is that the organization would be so much stronger if they diversified their workforce and let all employees excel to their greatest potential. .
Literature also suggest that gender bias is a result of institutional and attitudinal process. White males simply do not want women or minorities to be in an equal position with equal pay. Not only do they not want it, often times they take steps to protect specific jobs from women (Maume, 1999, p. 9). The "good ole boy" network is hard to break.
All organizations state that they are an equal employment opportunity company, but many agencies are only promoting that image and not actually following it. Yes, they .
hire minorities and yes they hire females, but these individuals do not have the same advantages as men. Often times they hire just for quotes and this causes hard feelings within the entire organization. Rather than the company hiring the best qualified, sometimes they hire a minority just to meet requirements. When this happens, the Equal Employment Opportunities policy can adversely effect other employees through reverse discrimination which in turn causes problems for the entire organization through decreased morale (Hale, 1999, p.