George Washington, a wealthy Virginia planter, was a member of the elite social class, and had an unabashed concern for his own economic interests. He was constantly trying to make a profit and always had to intuition that someone was trying to steal from him. As president, he had an intense absorption with his plantation and it profit, which deterred him form his commanding duties during the war. Washington also believed that as a private citizen pursuing his own interests he could still work for the good of the nation. Before the revolution, he invested in the Ohio country seeking a financial benefit for his own speculative interest. Thomas Jefferson, father of the Declaration of Independence, is another revolutionary leader who's primary concern was his own personal interests. Jefferson's well known prejudice against women and hypocrisy concerning slavery projects his self interests. Jefferson had a patronizing attitude toward women. He felt that their place was in the home looking after the household (Morgan 60). This branched to his prejudice against cities and city people because women were more educated than the norm. Concerning slavery, he expressed his detestation of it and his willingness to support its eradication. Yet he lived from the labor of slaves. He also believed in the inferiority of blacks so how could he possibly believe in black and white living side by side. The people whom Jefferson thought he could live side by side with were the literate, landholding men. He once said in a famous passage,Those who labor in the earth are the chosen people of God? (Morgan 71). .
The American Revolution ended two centuries of British rule for most of the North American colonies and created the modern United States of America. The Revolutionary era was both exhilarating and disturbing---a time of progress for some, dislocation for others. In the wake of the Revolution came events as varied as the drafting and ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America and the rebellions of slaves who saw the contrast between slavery and proclamations of liberty.