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World Religions and Spiritual

Well, for that matter, what is religious as an adjective? Merriam-Webster defines religious as, "relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity- or, "scrupulously and conscientiously faithful-. One main, concise component that is spoken of in every definition run across, was faith. The purpose for this set of rules and set of guidelines is so that one may be looked favorably upon and is able to have eternal bliss in whatever "afterlife-. .
             In discussing religion the questions of, "What is the right religion?- , "What do they believe in?- , and "What is the best idea of religion- , come into play. These however, are the wrong questions to ask, and lead people into a dissecting and tearing down of religions, trying to find those subtle differences that can create a "great divide- of the religions of the world and leave cause for controversy. Questions we could ask is, "What are the deciding factors in our peace and happiness-, easier said in asking, "What do we have in common in our beliefs?-, rather than, "What are our differences?-. There are in deed, religious differences and a divide. We do not try to dispel or hide this fact, but rather make a clear statement that the divide is due to human ignorance, and that there is a greater similarity than difference. In our research, we focused on several of the most prevalent religions in the world: Buddhism, Catholicism, Christianity, Greek Orthodox, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Santeria, and Taoism.
             In these religions, there is uniformity, law, and orders prevail. They are the foundations of the religious beliefs and ways in which to live. Christianity has it's Bible and 10 commandments, as Islam has it's Quran and five pillars. Also Buddhism has it's four noble truths. All these religions has a prophet or teacher, whom is followed and revered as the ideal superior human being. We chose to separate Catholicism and Greek Orthodox from the broad Christianity to show the subtle and insignificant differences of religion.

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