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Fight Club Analysis

The cause of the explosion is unknown at this time, however it is suspected that the cause was a gas leak. Unknown to Jack was the fact that his other personality, Tyler Durden, was responsible for the bombing.
             Jack is now homeless, so he calls Tyler. Jack and Tyler agree to meet at a local bar to have a few drinks and discuss Jacks living situation. Tyler lets Jack stay, or live with him under one condition - Jack must hit Tyler as hard as he can. Tyler explains to Jack that he has never been in a fight before, and Jack finally agrees to his request. The two proceed to get into a fistfight. The bar closes shortly afterwards and a crowd forms watching the fight. .
             This is how Fight Club starts. It was decided that Fight Club would be formed and meet periodically in the parking lot of the same bar where they had engaged in their first fight. Now that Fight Club has been officially established, it soon replaces Jack's need to attend the other group sessions. Tyler soon decides to set the infamous rules for Fight Club to keep some order and safety among all of the madness. The rules are as follows: .
             The first rule about Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club The second rule about Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club That's the third rule in fight club, when someone says stop, or goes limp, even if he's just faking it, the fight is over Only two guys to a fight. One fight at a time. They fight without shirts or shoes. The fights go on as long as they have to. .
             Members of Fight club start to break the rules of Fight Club, and fight club expands. Eventually new, independent chapters pop up across the city. As chapters of Fight Club have continued to spread across the city, Jack soon discovers that Tyler has an even bigger plan and is attempting to build his own personal army called Project Mayhem. Like Fight Club, Project Mayhem also has similar established rules in which Tyler created, this time not to maintain order, but to prevent Jack's interference.

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