Shakespears' play Hamlet, each character in the play has their own profile.
Some characters differ from each others traits and some have so much in common that it .
is hard to believe that they are rivals. This rivalry is present between the two characters of .
Hamlet and Laertes. These two characters are enemies but have similar qualities and .
intentions in the play, leaving one difference. Hamlet's approach in taking revenge .
towards Claudius for killing his father was very slow because he pondered a lot. Where .
for Laertes, his act of taking revenge towards Hamlet was very quick and forceful, not .
wasting any time. The similarities are that they both appeared to lose control and go mad .
because of their fathers' and Ophelias' death they both seek out revenge for the person .
who killed their fathers. These similarities and differences can be further explained in the .
following paragraphs. .
After the deaths of Hamlets and Laertes' fathers, both sons had different methods .
of taking out the action of revenge. Once Laertes found out the news that Hamlet killed .
his father, he wasted no time in thinking of killing Hamlet would send him to hell or if it .
is their was any other solution. He wanted Hamlet dead right away and decided to do this .
by planning a crooked fencing match which would result in Hamlet's death. Meanwhile, .
Hamlet's approach in taking revenge at King Claudius is very different from Laertes' .
approach because Hamlet wasted a lot of time thinking and questioning if he should kill .
Claudius and when the perfect time came for killing him, he did not take it. This is .
evident when Hamlet says:.
"Now could I drink hot blood,.
and do such bitter business as the day.
would quake to look on (3.2. 383-385)".
Hamlet could not kill the king at this moment because the only way for him to receive .
closer and full satisfaction is if the king goes to hell.