He reveals himself when says to the ghost of Banquo, " Thou canst say I did it; never shake thy gory locks at me." The "gory locks" are representing Macbeth's realisation that this is his entire fault. The ghost is his guilt. Lady Macbeth tries to cover for him but he has revealed himself too much already and from this point inwards people are suspicious of him. .
You also know that Macbeth feels guilty for the things he is doing because he can't sleep. After the first murder he is a wreck and he says, "Methought I heard a voice cry "Sleep no more!" Macbeth does murder sleep". Sleep is a sign of innocence in this play and Macbeth has lost his. Later on in the play he talks of his "fitful sleep". He can't be at rest after what he has done; at this point he knows he will pay for his sins in the afterlife. These are some of the "consequences" of which he spoke earlier in the play. This shows Lady Macbeth is feeling guilty later on in the play when she is sleepwalking. Her innocence in sleep is being interrupted by her sins. They have no innocence anymore. .
Macbeth is definitely a businessman. He treats these murders like a job that has to be done and this makes him look bad. When he is told he has been named Thane of Cawdor he says to himself, "Glamis, and Thane of Cawdor. The greatest is behind." He is immediately thinking of the witches" prediction and what success may be in the future for him.
Although Macbeth is guilt ridden at the start of the play, he becomes a lot less so as the play progresses. Once the ball is rolling he becomes possessed by his desire to succeed. At the start of the play it is his wife who is convincing him to do these things and feeling no guilt about them but then as she starts to feel guilty their powers switch in that he now has the power and feels no remorse for his dastardly deeds.
I would therefore say that Macbeth is partly responsible for this tragedy because he commits the murders powered on by his driving ambition.