This may pose a great deal of confusion for those who wish to merely examine the site. If one were to click on the message, does that mean they are automatically bound and required to play? The messages that appear on the screen are often vague and misleading. They do not provide purchasers with clearly defined terms and agreements. Moreover, online casinos like PlanetLuck, post banners across the top of the screen alternating between a picture of a car and a "Click here to win" message. Once again, this creates confusion in that one cannot be certain of whether or not this constitutes an offer or mere solicitation. Furthermore, how can one be certain that the car will become theirs after clicking on the icon. In most Web-site transactions, the purchasers order will constitute an offer, and the vendor's acceptance of the order will create a binding contract. To avoid confusion, online gambling sites should clearly outline the terms and conditions in the order. For example, the vendor may wish to require that all orders include an acknowledgement that order cancellation requests are not effective if the vendor has processed the order. The purchasers order is a two step process when gambling online. More specifically, PlanetLuck requires that all purchasers "Cash In". Firstly, one must register an account with the Internet site. This is automatically transferred to EzCash-an online bank that does the banking for a number of online casinos. In setting up an account, the online bank checks ones age by asking what year one is born, takes ones credit card number, email address and street address. In addition, the bank asks for the address of the bank that supports ones card. As we will examine later, credit cards often constitute great risk. Does setting up an account with the online bank necessarily entail acceptance? The answer is not clear. The reason for this being that after setting up an account, many sites continue to make offers of bonuses from five to twenty percent of your initial bankroll for opening the account.