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marco polo

             If you have wondered where Marco Polo's life started and ended well read carefully because you will be surprised how interesting his life was even though he was just a merchant. Marco was born in Venice in 1254, at that time Venice was probably the center of all the main trades in Europe. Marco Polo probably received his education from a typical merchant school but he wasn't poor at all his father and uncle, Niccolò and Maffeo Polo were jewel merchants probably the richest at that time, so don't mistake him for being a poor merchant.
             The brothers, Niccolò and Maffeo Polo left Venice in 1260 on a commercial venture to the Black Sea ports of Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey) and Soldaia (Sudak, Ukraine). From Soldaia they continued farther east to trading cities on the Volga River. In 1262 a war broke out on their only path back home preventing them from returning home, so they proceeded farther east to the great Central Asian trading city of Bukhoro (Uzbekistan). Then sometime in 1965 the brothers Niccolò and Maffeo Polo, joined a diplomatic mission which was going to the court of, Kublai Khan, the Mongol ruler of China at the time.
             When they reached the court of Kublai Khan they were happy to see that he welcomed them nicely and expressed a great desire to learn more about Christianity. Since Khan had such an interest in Christianity he asked the Polo brothers to go back to Europe and ask the pope to send two of his scholars to teach him more about the religion. The Polo brothers did what Khan said so that he would be pleased, so they traveled back to Europe in 1269, the pope granted the two scholars and the Polo brothers left once again for China in 1271, but this time with Niccolo's son Marco. .
             Soon after their departure from Acre (now Akko, Israel) the missionaries became concerned about hazardous conditions along the route and abandoned the embassy. The three Polos continued the journey.

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