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" The inconsistency in the "results various brain imagery studies have been attributed to the fact that people with autism represent highly heterogeneous group in terms of underlying pathology" ( Baron 1988). This approach has been supported with the inclusion of the diagnosis Asperger's Disorder in the fourth edition of the Diagnosis and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) of the American Psychiatric Association (APA 1994). A very small number of structural brain abnormalities have been so far associated with Asperger's, which includes left frontal macrogyria, bilateral opercular polymicrogyria, and left temporal lobe damage. "A single photon emission tomography (SPECT) which provides information about the functional status of the brain may be more helpful in determining the brain dysfunction in individuals with Asperger's disorder." Continuations of research in Asperger's with various brain-imaging techniques in coordination with an evaluation are in need in some areas in the United States (NINDS 2003). .
             From the American Psychiatric Association, the main diagnostic reference of mental health professionals in the United States of America has a list of criteria for children diagnosed with Asperger's (APA 1994). Children with Asperger's should have some impairment in social interactions to diagnose. They have to manifest at least two generalized behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, lack of facial expressions, body postures, and gestures all regulate social interaction. In addition, if the child has restricted repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, activities, and certain repetitive mannerisms such as hand or finger flapping or other complex whole-body movements are associated with this child (Cumine 1998). .
             Once a child diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, integrating your knowledge to help them as students is very important. In a class structure, a child with Asperger's should require a different mixture of teaching structures to be sure that there is less stress on the child.

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