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             was just wondering if you had found the heart of the ocean yet, Mr. Lovett? .
             hhhhhThe literal gem, then, serves to drive the plot. People explore wrecks for the .
             challenge and for scientific purposes, but Cameron has Brock Lovett, played by Bill .
             Paxton, and his salvage crew searching for a diamond. This motivation works on two .
             levels. It gives a reason for the dangerous and expensive dive that the people sitting in .
             the dark theater can appreciate. Many people in this materialistic world can relate to .
             and understand betting one's life and fortune on a diamond that rivals the Hope .
             diamond in value. On an artistic level, though, the search for material wealth parallels .
             the confidence that the Titanic's owners place in material goods and technology. And .
             of course, just as money and wealth by themselves fail to make life worthwhile for most .
             people, all of the confidence her owners and passengers mistakenly place in the .
             integrity of this man-made ship cannot keep them warm in ice water. .
             hhhhhIn addition to driving the plot, the diamond functions on a figurative, symbolic .
             level. The gem represents the human heart, the repository and driving force behind .
             people's emotions. Toward the end of the film, the poor steerage passenger, having .
             won his ticket for the crossing in a poker game, then wins Rose's love on board and .
             serves as her bulwark. She draws strength from Jack Dawson, portrayed by Leonardo .
             Lastname 3.
             DiCaprio. They're in the freezing water after the ship has sunk, and he demands:.
             Listen Rose. You're gonna get out of here. You're gonna go on and you're gonna make lots of babies. You're gonna die an old lady warm in her bed, not here, not this night. You understand me? . . . . You must do me this honor. You must promise me that you'll survive, that you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise. . . . Never let go.
             And she promises.

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