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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

             placing objects in a certain order (ordering rituals). And patients .
             with primary obsessional slowness who become "stuck" for hours while .
             performing a routine task.
             There are 3 types of causes that are associated with OCD, Chemical .
             Imbalance Theory, which is linked with low levels of a substance in the .
             brain called serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter. Brain nerve cells.
             use neurotransmitters such as serotonin to send messages to each other.
             Serotonin is stored in their nerve cells and when a nerve cell wants to .
             communicate with the next it releases the serotonin into the next cells.
             message receivers. Because drugs that increase the amount of serotonin.
             in the brain have been known to reduce OCD symptoms, it is thought that.
             people with OCD may have too little serotonin for there nerve cells to.
             communicate. .
             Brain Abnormality Theory makes those with OCD doubt what.
             their eyes, knowledge, and good judgment tell them. For this reason.
             OCD is often referred to as the doubting disease, because of the doubt,.
             they check and recheck or repeat the same acts over and over.
             Heredity has been studied and research reports that biological model .
             studies are often done with sets of twins where one member of the set .
             has the disorder. These studies found that the other twin is more .
             likely to be affected if he or she had a twin. Family members of people .
             with OCD also have more than normal occurrences of major depression, .
             bipolar illness, panic attacks, severe phobias and neurological .
             Interesting facts on OCD:.
             1. There is a link between serotonin and dopamine, brain.
             neurotransmitter chemicals, and OCD. .
             2. Often OCD affects the family. Family members are sometimes worried .
             that the disorder has run in their families. However, OCD is not .
             caused by bad parenting.
             3. Medication for OCD should be tried 10-12 weeks before judging.
             4. OCD affects men and women equally.
             5. OCD can start at any age.

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