Thus, this is a hostile action towards the poor. City Hall has also paid for a deployment of outside park sprinklers. These sprinklers randomly spray during the night onto unsuspecting campers trying to get a peaceful nights sleep. It is not a crime for anyone to sleep in the public in Los Angeles, so why spend tax dollars to deter people from sleeping in a quiet, cozy park? .
Markets and restaurants are now coming up with extreme measures to protect their garbage. .
"No one is Los Angeles has not yet proposed adding cyanide to the .
garbage, as was suggested in Phoenix a fwe years back, one popular .
seafood restaurant has spent $12,000 to build the ultimate bag-lady.
proof trash cage: three-quarter-inch steel rod with alloy locks and.
vicious out-turned spikes to safeguard moldering fishheads and stale.
french fries(278).".
All of Davis' ideas are supported right here. Spending over ten thousand dollars on a trash can.
is ridiculous. This sounds like the government spending plenty of money on new weapons of warfare. Except here, the weapon is a locking device. A locking device used to lock up garbage from the poor. A simple old saying can diminish the ideas behind the locking garbages: Another man's trash is another man's treasure. Locking up the garbage from harmless gatherers is pointless and a waste of tax payer's money. Davis boasts irony discussing this City Hall issue, as many should. The goverment is barely giving out food to the poor and now they need to protect scraps of food that is going to the garbage anyways? Let the homeless enjoy free scraps.
"Public toilets, however, have become the real frontline of the city's war on the homeless. Los Angeles has fewer public lavatories than any other major North American city(278).".
City Hall was even debating adding a free standing public toilet for an upcoming park. However, this idea was cancelled and the only bathrooms remaining to the public are the ones inside of art galleries, restaurants, and office buildings.