" The Rebels rolled over one Union.
position after another. .
By mid-morning the Confederates seemed within easy reach of victory.
overrunning one front-line Union division and capturing its camp. However, stiff.
resistance on the Federal right entangled Johnston's brigades in a savage fight.
around Shiloh Church. Throughout the day, Johnston's army hammered the.
Federals which gave ground but did not break. Casualties upon this brutal.
killing ground was immense. Meanwhile, Johnston's flanking attack stalled in.
front of Sarah Bell's peach orchard, and the dense oak thicket labeled the.
"hornet's nest" by the Confederates because of the constant bullets that kept.
flying through the air. .
The Union troops finally established a line at an area known as the.
"Sunken Road". Confederate forces launched eleven attacks against the.
position, but the line would not break. Finally the southern troops brought 62.
artillery pieces to bear on the Hornets Nest, many at point blank range. After.
holding the position for six hours, the Union forces surrendered. Under.
protection of the cannons the Rebel troops were able to move in and take the.
sunken road. They had fought well holding the Confederates for six hours. .
For years to come Union veterans were proud to say, "I fought with.
Prentiss at the Hornet's Nest." Fighting also occurred near the Hornets Nest. .
General Johnston personally led the final Confederate assault. He emerged.
with clothes torn from grazing bullets. He was moved to a nearby tree where it.
was discovered that he had been shot in the back of the leg. He refused.
medical attention and bled to death even though a tourniquet would have saved.
his life. .
Caught off guard by the Confederates they pushed back the union. Even.
though the union outnumbered them, the element of surprise took toll. The.
Confederates broke through the union lines and won the first day of battle. That.
night General Buell arrived with a fleet of boats firing.