I will argue that the problems and failures that accompanied privatization of land was symptomatic of the problems encountered more generally in the economy : the already very difficult task of transforming an economy was compounded by trying to apply Global development discourses without due regard to local realities. Mongolia is a good example of the pitfalls of applying economic models of developed countries in less developed countries. .
The Mongolian pastoral sector and herding population have become subject to new, global, discursive practices. Some of these discourses, such as the Tragedy of the Commons, frequently override any consideration of local realities and variability in Mongolia. .
Under the Soviet regime, Mongolian pastoralists accounted for around thirty per cent of the total population (with some estimates suggesting as much as fifty per cent) and contributed significantly to the nations GDP (over thirty per cent in 1996). Mongolian pastoralists participated in a pastoral economy that persevered, with apparent ecological and social sustainability, through several major political-economic transitions in the twentieth century. However, the rapid move to a democratic form of government and the ongoing transition to a market economy destroyed the status quo without replacing it with an accepted and workable alternative. .
Under socialism farms provided their members with guaranteed wages, living accommodation, pensions , social insurance, medical facilities, kindergartens , schools, shops, central heating, fuel and firewood, fodder for privately owned livestock, transport for migrations, clubs, libraries and recreational facilities. They also provided infrastructure like roads, wells and electricity (Humphrey: 1999: 79). Most of these farms operated with substantial subsidies from the state. Economic liberalization, from the herders" perspective, "has taken away most of these gains in return for the illusion of economic freedom" (Swift in Griffin).