5. Alcatel's strategy expressed in marketing mix terms.
Products: Alcatel has a broad product offering including.
- cellular phones, telecom components, networking systems, energy cables, office .
communications systems, transmission systems and railway routing systems. .
Except cellular phones, Alcatel only manufactures producer goods.
Price: Concerning cellular phones, Alcatel is a relatively cheap supplier so far (prepaid phones).
But the company is planning to develop new cellular phones only for business people which.
will be more expensive (400-800 DM). In the field of production, Alcatel is considered to .
be average whereas in the technical sector, it is considered to lie below average. .
Promotion: Alcatel promotes its goods in different ways. First by making advertising spots on TV .
including special slogans such as "Alcatel-Architects of an internet world- and second by .
putting adds into magazines and specialist journals. Furthermore, by taking part in .
events (roadshows, fairs, sponsoring of sports occasions).
Place: Alcatel can be found in more than 130 countries of the world. Concerning distribution you .
have to distinguish between products for private customers (e.g. cellular phones) which can.
be mainly found in special shops (e.g. Media Markt) and between office communications .
systems. For those, Alcatel has an own distribution GmbH which is called Enterprise and .
Consumer Division. Producer goods for big telecommunications companies are distributed .
by an key-account-manager. .
6. How is Alcatel trying to achieve competitive advantages.
The competition requires a company to show an above-average engagement to persist in international business. The most important resources a company has are its employees.