There are a number of models designed to illustrate the creative process, most of which stem from the Wallas Model, which was proposed by Graham Wallas in 1926. He broke up the process into four defined periods; preparation, incubation, illumination and verification. While of course the process of creating is almost never this well defined, this model serves to provide a framework by which an individual's creative process may be analysed. The preparation stage is described as the definition of the problem or issue and a period of observation and study. The incubation stage is laying the issue aside for a while to give it a chance to grow gradually. Illumination is the point at which the idea or solution to the problem emerges, and verification is the process of examining this solution to see whether it is viable. This four stage model will be integral in my analysis of both my own creative process and that of my chosen creative, Isaac Newton. .
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), astronomer, physicist, mathematician, philosopher, creative individual, and probably the one person in the history of the world I would not hesitate in calling a genius. Newton, a man who defined gravity, described the structure of the solar system, and when conventional maths was unsatisfactory to describe his solutions, invented a whole new branch of mathematics, now know as calculus, in order to show his working. Joseph Louis Lagrange, in his own right a great mathematician, once said of Newton: "Newton was the greatest genius who ever lived, and the most fortunate, for there cannot be more than once a system of the world to establish." A creative mind of this calibre is indeed a rarity, occurring maybe once every five hundred years or so. In the other corner, we have me, Ian Glidden, semi-talented musician and artist, angry young man, bitter, cynical and going through a mid-life crisis at the age of nineteen.