These institutions fund military assitance to Hezbollah (the Party of God) in Lebanon (tacitly supported by the Syrian government), to The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Jordan (in 1981, Islamic millitants, members of this party, assasinated Egyptian president Sadat), to the Islamic Salvation Front in Algeria.
But where do all these extremist measures come from? On what are they based? According to Burmeister , the main reason for the spread of terrorism is the concept of the niy"yah (motive). The mullahs (religious jurists) have established that any purely motivated action (spreading of fundamentalist views) is accepted by Allah; in other words, "the end justifies the means". One of the strategies used by Khomeini was inoculating the belief that anyone who is not a fundamentalist is an ennmy of Allah. This two-edged view of believers and non-believers in Allah ("the City of Faith" and "the City of War", alegoric names for the Muslim countries and Western countries respectively) crystallized itself into the idea that the only solution of bringing infidels to the true faith is by starting the Jihad (Holy War) and that all who participate in it are heroes of the faith and will gain access to Paradise. What we should understand from this is that fundamentalism is not a dangerous phenomenon in itself but its belief system has a great potential for extremism and extremism is the starting point of terrorism and terror, proclaimed by the extremist fundamentalists as legitimate methods of promoting their ends. Terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah, Hamas in Palestine, Al Jihad in Egypt, and others have flourished in almost all Muslim countries and fight for achieving the "true Islamic State".
What are Islamic fundamentalists fighting for? First of all, if not bizzare then at least an interesting.
fact is that the word "fundamentalism" has no equivalent in Arabic. Bahman Baktiari, a political science proffesor at the American University in Cairo states that "Islamic fundamentalism is a purely Western construct used to describe the rise of Islamic forces in the Middle East".