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Workplace Stress

Well Gandhi's father would go in and out of consciousness so Gandhi figured he could slip in little sex breaks. In one of those little sex breaks his father passed away and he wasn't there like his father wished. This struck him and this starts the beginning of the Gandhi we all know. Gandhi realized that he needed to control his urges and needed to get his act together so he decided to study law in London. There he became one of the English; he looked like them, dressed like them, and talked like them. Gandhi finished his law school and goes back to India, but when he returns he realizes that he has a better job in South Africa. In South Africa he begins his reforms. He realized he needed to do this when he had a situation on a train. What happened was that Gandhi had a first class ticket and a white Englishman said that he had to move down to third class for no reason, just the fact that he was Indian. Of course Gandhi replied no and he was booted off the train on the next stop. After this Gandhi worked for twenty years reforming South Africa in several different ways. While coming up with those ways he developed his sense of Satyagraha, which means soul force, and it is a concept of love, sacrifice and suffering rather than using violence. The reforms he made in South Africa were those of marriage because in South Africa, Indian the ruling government didn't recognize marriages. Gandhi also worked on a tax reform in South Africa because taxes were added to all those who were not pretty much white or seemed white. .
             At this point Gandhi had gone back to India and started off his work there. Gandhi's first project was his campaign for home rule in India. Gandhi planned to do this through what he called the non-cooperation movement. What this was is the idea that the English were in India to make profit. If their profits were cut it would probably force them to leave but the main point of this campaign was for total non-violence.

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