development "late- in "world time- Giddens (1981). .
To Marx development was basically a matter of freeing productive .
capacity to generate more wealth. Human emancipation was seen as dependent on .
overcoming the problem of scarcity and socialism was not possible without material .
abundance. In view of the "laws of history" which Marx claimed to have discovered, .
Marxists mostly see development as inevitably involving a long and painful process in .
which capitalism matures, self-destructs and is transcended. In fact some notable .
Marxists such as Warren endorse what is happening in the Third World because it .
constitutes movement along the unavoidable development dimension. (Warren, 1973).
In most cases of third world countries, outside help was needed to develop .
their resources. In Africa, economic situation is very depressing especially, in the .
cases of Chad, Ghana and Zambia. There have not been the improvements in living .
standards which have become apparent in many Asian and Latin American countries. .
Africa is performing a peripheral role in the capitalist-world economy. Therefore, .
borrowing money is seen as a reasonable course of action in the hope that making an .
investment will produce enough money to pay off debts and to generate economic .
growth that is self-staining. The developing countries debt is financed through public .
agencies both bilateral and multilateral such as the World Bank who promises help in .
structuring the developing economy which means to prevent the destabilisation of the .
economy. .
Foreign aid is increasingly a catalyst for change, and is helping to create conditions .
in which poor people are able to raise their incomes and to live longer, healthier, and more .
productive lives. The past 50 years have seen remarkable successes, as well as failures, in .
development progress. Better policies in developing countries, together with improved .