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             The Constitution is always open for self-interpretation, therefore I will tell you what I see in these amendments. The first amendment states that each U.S. citizen is protected from cruel and unusual punishment. When you look back, slavery was a form of punishment in itself. Slaves were whipped, lynched, beat, and forced to endure many misdoings on the parts of their masters. If that isn't cruel and unusual then explain to me what is. The latter amendments ban slavery except for punishment for a crime, and they also line out the rights of citizens. .
             To me, America refuses to acknowledge or engage in any debate concerning its role in slavery at the beginning of its founding and the resulting attitudes it has towards its own Black African descendants. This is somewhat bewildering because America, along with other nations, has taken part in some reparations to other distinct minorities. Such as:.
             "Germany paid reparations to Israel for the crimes of the Nazi Holocaust. In fact, the creation of Israel is considered "repayment" for the centuries of suffering brought on by persecutions and dispossessions. .
             After 50 years of similar denial, Japan finally apologized for its wartime atrocities.
             Speaking of the Japanese, the USA has apologized and given restitution to Japanese Americans for internment during the Second World War. .
             In 1995, the Queen of England signed a compensation act that required New Zealand to compensate the Maori people for lands seized by British settlers in 1863. She apologized for the crime and recognized a long-standing grievance of the Maori people. .
             In February of 1992, Pope John Paul II visited the slave dungeons of Goree in Senegal and begged forgiveness from the highest authority: "From this African sanctuary of black pain, we implore forgiveness from Heaven"(Hauser). .
             Before I continue to write, I want to make one thing perfectly clear: since being born in this country in 1985 I have enjoyed much that this country offers to me and my family.

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