Slavery caused major changes in America when it was legalized in 1661. Black slaves became the personal property of white men. Laws were passed. It was strictly forbidden to teach slaves to read and write or to give them books. Slaves could not raise certain crops, nor could they buy or sell goods. All whites had the power to arrest runaway slaves. Slaves could be awarded as prizes in raffles, wagered in gambling, offered as security for loans and transferred as gifts from one person to another.
Another corrupt aspect of the past was discipline. Only recently has it been enforced that striking your children should be avoided and disciplining children in schools by using force like the cane has been made illegal. Sentencing slaves to several hundreds of lashes back then would now lead to the punishment administrator being jailed.
Mr Whitechapel is the owner of the plantation. He is a good man and believed that one should take care of his slaves. This is shown particularly whenever he tells of Sanders Senior and Junior. .
Sanders Senior is a man who hasn't got his mind straight, or is corrupt. He is severe with Mr Whitechapels slaves. On one of his diary entries he writes, .
Rations of slaves to be increased along with one extra break in the afternoon following an inspection by the master of the Whitechapel plantation. Cock-a-doodle-doo. He said they looked thin. What good is a fat slave to anyone but himself. Mr Whitechapel you are wrong, Sir. Cattle need fattening, not slaves. P38.
This excerpt not only further shows that Mr Whitechapel is a kind and gentle caring person but Sanders Senior in an evil narrow-minded man. Sanders does, however, have a soft side to him which is expressed earlier on in his diary. .
Whitechapel made a fascinating knot with a leather which pulled untangled. He is by far the best worker, and he has the most agreeable manner. He also knows what it is like to lose a wife. P37.