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the birth of chirst: matthew

This is another characteristic that attributes the same author to the story of Jesus" birth and to Matthew in its entirety. The widely agreed upon solution to the inconsistencies though, that exist in the infancy narrative and remainder of the Gospel, is that the author of Matthew took a preexisting story and simply edited it to his own style (Brown: Messiah 50).
             In the Gospel according to Matthew, the birth narrative is short, sweet and to the point. Having been a former scribe, the author of Matthew's Gospel constructs the narrative in an easy to follow way that has very influential pieces of information strategically arranged in it. The author of The Birth of the Messiah: A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke, Raymond Brown, states throughout the pages 45 and 46, that the story can be organized into five important scenes. Following the description of Jesus" genealogy and relation to the great King David which acts as an introduction appears scene one, the first dream that Joseph experiences. In it he is told by an angel to have Mary as his wife for she will bear the Messiah as their child. Next, scene two describes the evil King Herod's attempt to find and destroy "The King of Jews", by asking the Magi to inform him when they find the child so that he can "worship him"(Matthew 2:2-8). The key word "worship" is used frequently throughout the rest of the Gospel. For example in Matthew 14:33, after Jesus walks on water, the boat filled with the apostles "worship him, saying , "Truly you are the son of God"". The significance of the word and action of worshipping Jesus is the direct command that Matthew is giving to his audience. Informed in a dream, mirroring Joseph's experience, the Magi learn of Herod's evil plans, and they decide to not tell him when and where they find the baby Jesus. The third scene accounts for the second dream that Joseph experiences.

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