In a sense she was like my shadow and a very dear friend. Because of this, I love her very much, and she helped take my loneliness as an only child away. The negative effect of this is when someone in the house doesn't treat her the way I want. I get angry and sometimes say things that are disrespectful to my family members. Now I know that they are my parents and I must separate them from my dog, in terms of priority. .
When I was entering my teenage years, like every typical teenager I wanted to spend my time with my friends. When I became a teenager I had more opportunities to meet new friends both good and bad. Teenagers tend to be curious, especially me. I made mistakes by choosing to hang out with the wrong group of people who had negative influences on me. I started get involved in clubbing, smoking, drinking, and women. Following the classic steps to disaster and failure. I caused many people to worry about me without realizing until I met this girl. I started to feel that my life was so full of nonsense and it was going nowhere after I met her. She made me question my self and what I had been doing. I realized that the drinks that I drank were harmful to my body, and they were a waste of money. The cigarettes that I smoked slowly and gradually killed me along with others who were around me. Modifying my car was just wasting my family's money. She taught me all of this, and she was always by my side. She started to lead me in the right direction. She was more mature and I became more mature. My life had improved after I met her. I started to change my self. I tried to get closer to my family and started to spend more time with them. If my dad came home late, I would stay up and wait for him. If my mom was an early dozer, I would come home early to see her. I felt that everyone around me started to love me. My life improved because of her. She gave me a place to study, and she gave me the determination and inspiration to pursue a higher education.