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Lincoln's Inaugural Address

            President Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address.
             Civil War had been a long and bloody one, raging on for four years. Yet most of the people of the United States still felt hope as it was nearing the end, because they knew that their country was still together, held by the bonds of unity. Even Thomas Jefferson said that once in a while, rebellion and war was good for a country. President Abraham Lincoln was one of the people who understood this, and he saw a bright future for his country after the civil war. Hoping to encourage the people of America with his views, he mixes a perfect combination of different writing styles to reveal his ideas to his countrymen.
             Throughout the course of his second inaugural address, a very formal rhetorical strategy can be seen. Though the address is brief, he quickly gets to the point, informing his countrymen of his hope for his country's welfare after the Civil War ends. He is very professional, and even adds a touch of rhyme to his speech, "Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may pass away." This provides an interesting hook to the speech, capturing the listener's attention. He also uses very intelligent sentences in his address, ones that cause the reader to think. "Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish." .
             President Lincoln foresaw a better future for the United States after the Civil War, and he let his optimism for this shine brilliantly throughout his address. Probably familiar with the Bible verse that states, "A house divided against itself will fall," he worked hard during the Civil War to keep the country from falling apart. And just one month before the Civil War ended, he spoke with hope about the country's future, knowing that the United States of America would stay strong in the end.

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