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Wine marketing report

Finally recommendations for market entry and marketing mix strategies are outlined.
             It is assumed that Carrick Winery has the potential capital to enter a new international market and the potential to produce quality Pinot Noir in accordance to the high level of demand that we expect will result from entering a new foreign market.
             Carrick Winery commissioned this report for the purpose of identifying potential international markets for its international extension strategy of pinot noir. Four potential markets were identified as being potentially attractive markets. These were: Canada, Germany, China and Chile. After evaluating the attractiveness of these respective markets, it was concluded that Canada possessed the most opportunity despite its provincial liquor regulatory system. In particular, there were significant opportunities in the Provinces of: British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec. The potential customers in these markets exhibited lifestyles, beliefs, and values that would match the attributes of Carrick Pinot Noir. .
             Should Carrick decide to enter this market it is recommended that Vancouver (in BC) be the first point of entry since the consumers in this market are particularly predisposed to Carricks product. So too, this market also exhibited degrees of education and wealth that would be necessary for purchasing high quality wine. In penetrating the remainder of the Canadian market, this report also recommended that Carricks implement a stages approach, which would be tempered with a contingency approach. .
             To this end, it is recommended that Carrick distribute its product to selected restaurants and bottle stores using local agents. For advertising and promotion purposes it is recommended that Carrick sponsor the Vancouver Playhouse Wine Festival, distribute information and taste samples to reporters for publicity measures and utilize point of purchase displays in both restaurants and bottle stores, using the advertising agencies within each province.

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