Once again Hitler had got away so easly with internatinoal bullying that he would do it again and France and Britian did nothing. These small countrys were also very weak to defend to Hitlers bullying.
After Anschluss , Hitler began to steer developments in Czechoslovakia in the direction he wanted. the german area of this land was called the Sudetendland. Hitler called on Konrad Henlein , leader of the Sudeten Nazi's to stir up trouble in the area. Herman press startied publishing anti-Czech popaganda, accusing the Czech government of persecuting Germans. By 1938 , Henlein had succeeded in throwing the Sudetenland into such a turmoil that benes, the Czech president was forced to declare martial law. Hitler used this as an excuse to intervene on behalf of the sudeten germans. Another risky move from Hitler risking war again , but still no reactions from these smaller countrys , they seemed as if they could do nothing to hitlers bullying.
Finaly the british Prime minister , Neville Chamberlain stepped into the situation. He was reluctant to give Czhechoslovakia support in this crisis due to he's policy of appeasement. He fealt that hitlers demands were reasonable since it was inhabitat by germans. Taking the easy way out. On 15th septermber 1938 , Chamberlain flew to Berchtesgaden and met with hitler. Hitler demanded immediate self-determination for the sudetenland which, in turn , would mean its incorporation into Germany.Chamberlain agreed and formulated the anglo-French plan which provided for all districts with over 50% german-speaking to be transferred to Germany. Czechoslovakia had no alternative but to accept these plants since britian and france would not help if war broke out.
On the 22nd of septermeber 1938 , Chamberlain met with Hitler and to his dismay he found that Hitler had extended his demands. He now Demanded that the whole of Sudetenland be given to Germany within a week, by October 1.