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Changing self

And once more the conclusion is unimaginably different. This is such a clear and concise display of how changes in a situation can result in either encouraging or off-putting consequences. .
             "The Door by Miroslav Holub also demonstrates how the range of possibilities, of what lies outside the door, can be either positive or negative. This poem tells the reader to "Go and open the door and explores the possibilities of what may lie beyond the door that it commands us to "open. By opening the door individuals choose to change, to enter a new state of being, consider new things and alter their present existence or thinking: they are exposed to change. But, what lies beyond the door is different for everybody. For some it could be as unpleasant as "rummaging dog and for others it could be as fascinating as a "magic city. .
             The Poet, Peter Skrzynecki also expresses in his poem, "Post Card, the positives and negatives in relation to his parents place of birth, Warsaw, Poland. He feels torn between his future in Australia and the past in Europe. Insistently, he resists knowing the city on his own terms, seeing it through his parents memories, not his own. He is haunted by the demand of the place to be recognized, but feels he can only give it "The gift of despair the despair of his inherited perceptions. So, in this case, the idea of the poet changing his perception towards, Warsaw, is so daunting as he does not know whether the outcomes of discovering his cultural background, will have a positive or negative affect. .
             Generally we develop views and attitudes about the world and ourselves by being influenced by our experiences. These include being exposed to and influenced by certain belief systems, as well as by what we see and go through. The poem "Kornelia Woloscuk enacts the tension between the shaping of the child's identity-the way he constructs his own view of the world-and the power of his mothers view as it influences the child.

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