The humble Thrones are quite busy dispensing the justice and power of God to the Angelic Court in charge of the cosmos and the earth. Many of humanity's finest moments have been steeped in the benevolence of the Thrones. History has been touched also by the justice of the Thrones. How sad a Guardian Angel must be to have the sorry duty of carrying out an assignment from the Justice of God given through the powerful Thrones. God has clearly given the angels authority to inflict punishment upon us. God is slow to anger and warns us always. .
The Middle Hierarchy includes the Dominions, the Powers, and the Virtues. The highest of the Angels of the Cosmos dwell in the Choir known as Dominions, though some have referred to them as Dominations. The power of the Dominion Choir is so vast that it transcends the human imagination. All leadership over created matter emanates from the Dominions, who receive their power and assignments from the Thrones. Their power is then mediated from the Dominions to the lesser Choirs of angels over the entire cosmos, including the planet Earth. The Dominions represent exquisite order and discipline of order. The law of perfect cause and effect flows through them to all creation. Dominions are angels of leadership. They dispense to the lower Choirs of Angels, who travel about the cosmos and the world showing people the proper things to do and the attitudes to preserve in order to be happy. The Dominions are known as Spirits of Wisdom. The Prophet Isaiah calls wisdom the highest of the gifts of the Holy Spirit of Love. Understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, godliness, and fear of the Lord flow from the gift of wisdom. Those who bear the favor and protection of the Dominion Choir of Angels draw near to the Holy Spirit of Love and experience a profusion of those gifts. All angels, but especially the Dominions, are filled with wisdom. Their assignment is the universe in which we dwell.