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Healthy Eating Pyramid

Vitamins and minerals often found in this category include niacin, riboflavin, iron, zinc and calcium. It is essential for children, adolescents and expecting mothers to consume more of these foods than normal. Milk and dairy products in the mid section of the pyramid provide ample calcium and B group vitamins as well as protein and Vitamin A. Varying meat products from chicken to lean red meat can also supply the body with phosphorous and B-group vitamins and fish in particular contains iodine for the body. Egg (yolk) and nuts are also good sources of protein and minerals but high in fat which can be multiplied when fried in oil. .
             Foods from the "eat least" section of the healthy eating pyramid comprise of sugars, butter, fats and oil. While the health eating pyramid doesn't ban of such foods, it only recommends its consumption to the smallest quantity. A fat are a concentrated form of source of energy as well as sugar and is preferred to consume polyunsaturated fats as it does not contain cholesterol. .
             Developed by the Australian Nutrition Foundation in the 1980's, the Healthy Eating Pyramid is the first food selection model to address a total diet concept where descriptive terms such as "most/moderately and least" are used to help individuals balance their food intake. As it was developed by Australian nutritionists, the pyramid is reliable as is it applicable to the Australian lifestyle and its population. The primary purpose for its development was to combat the sharp increase of diet related diseases in the 1980's and address the problem of nutrient excesses as well as deficiencies. It was believed that individuals would be more likely to have a balanced diet by following the pyramid rather than randomly selecting food for one's self. .
             In fact, eating in excess or deficiency of specific nutrients can lead to various diet related diseases including anaemia, colorectal cancer, cardiovascular diseases and obesity.

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