In the next few years Mussolini set up a secret police force, the OVRA, and built concentration camps on the Lipari Islands for his opponents. .
Fascism as a twentieth-century doctrine was the invention of Benito Mussolini, who had been a rising if erratic star in Italy's socialist party before World War I. Mussolini, however, became convinced during World War I of the inadequacy of socialism: it had no place for the enormous outpouring of nationalist enthusiasm that he saw during the war, no place for the struggle between nations, and no recognition of the fact that solidarity was associated with the national community--not with one's international class or with humanity in general.Moreover, socialism had no plan for how a post-capitalist economy would operate. Mussolini soon became an ex-socialist, intent on integrating the lessons and appeal of nationalism with the appeal of socialism. The movement he produced he called "fascism.".
after "fasces", the symbol of bound sticks used a totem of power in ancient Rome.
Which People?.
The Nazi Germany is the most evident example of a fascist state which was also totalitarian. Italy was clearly a fascist state and had totalitarian characteristics. Stalinist Russia was clearly totalitarian but was not fascist. Though Russia's internal behavior was very similar to Nazi Germany, fascism and socialism are diametrically opposite and .
fiercely opposed to each other. .
Basic Beliefs?.
A belief in leaders: good politics sees not representatives expressing the desires of those below but leaders who command; the goals of a country are imposed by leaders of vision from above. .
A belief in the value of a strong and unified nation: the willing and eager sacrifice of individual goals and lives to strengthen the national purpose, with war and expansion as tests of strength and arenas for heroic sacrifice. .
Coordination and propaganda: advertising, ceremonies, the ruling party as an enforer of social discipline and respect for the leader.