" This phase is our type, the essence or the nature of being, that instigates and controls the forming of our existence. Five-Phase analysis can inform us about our strengths and weaknesses, helping us to be wiser in our choices about what to go for and what to avoid. It provides insight into our aptitudes, relationships, desires, dreams and more importantly health disorders and emotional complexes. .
Earth element type people are recognized for being agreeable and accommodating, loyal and secure. Just as the Earth is the centre around which the other elements revolve, and the Earth organs, the stomach and the spleen are the centre of the body, Earth people want to be involved and needed. Earth people have a natural vulnerability of the spleen and stomach, resulting in disorders such as gastric disturbances, diabetes, obesity etc. As pensiveness is the Earth's emotion, affecting the spleen and stomach, an Earth person's weak points, Earth people are easily worried and stressed. Emotions that reflect an imbalance include obsession, repetitive thoughts, and lack of self-esteem, resulting in both mental and physical problems. For Earth people, learning to relax is essential, so is good quality food. Digestive enzymes and bitter herbs are good in lessening congestion and indigestion. Foods to avoid include an excess of tropical fruit, large quantities of fruit juice, too much cold fluid (an excess of any food that has a cold/damp nature). Damp weather should also be avoided as it targets an Earth person's frailties.
Fire element type people tend to be natural leader who inspire the people around them, attracting loyalty and devotion. They are optimistic, charismatic and have ready access to their intuition. They enjoy physical contact and emotional intimacy. The heart is the centre of the emotions and the heart is said to be responsible for communication with others. Fire people are therefore able to express their feelings fully and are fond of talking.