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Vincent Van Gogh Essay

             The picture "Vase with Peonies and Roses," was one of colorful painting compared to other ones Van Gogh painted before. He painted this picture on canvas by using oil painting. He has drawn this painting after he has moved to Paris in 1886, to live with Theo, his brother, his financial supporter through out lifetime. During this time, his works are more vivid than ever. .
             During the period of time that he has lived in Paris, the external environment was filled with new style that van Gogh has never experienced- Impressionism and postimpressionism. In Paris, Van Goghs learned to use warm color; consequently he began the usage of complementary hues in his paintings. Within the period of time that he lived in Paris, most people said his work has truly come alive. He has yielded his dark palette of Holland to more of brighter hues, as if he has been rebirth or releases his true soul by the new approach. He began to use harsh brushstrokes to create a vibrate look on the canvas, the intensity of the paintings were mostly created based on complementary colors. .
             In Paris, He encountered with many influential impressionist, such as Toulouse-Lautre, Bernard, Pissarro, Gauguin and many more. After introduce to new style; Van Gogh has released his hideous soul from the reality through art. His usage of colors became wilder, and rebellious, the strokes often became harsh and vibrate than before. .
             The detail drawing of vases with roses and peonies represented harmonious relationships upon the old, dark palette from Holland, with bits of modernization in it. This artwork symbolized the emotional world of van Gogh, as to a broad, and harsh style in his later paintings. He used strong complementary hues, but uses the quality of other colors to mingle the quality; therefore a wholeness of the drawing was given.

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