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The British authorities were confused by Gandhi's "strange" actions and allowed him to stay and conduct an investigation. Gandhi was later a member of a council that was set up to deal with these issues. Although no long term changes were made Gandhi gained nation wide attention to the cause and his methods. It also proved that non violent protest could be used successfully in India.
             The next local campaign Gandhi was involved in was in Kaira. The issue here was that local farming conditions were becoming worse and the peasants were poverty stricken. The poor peasants were still expected to pay tax to the British. Gandhi used Satyagraha and more specifically civil disobedience to try and persuade the British to abolish the tax. The peasants stopped paying the tax and threatened to confiscate land. As the struggle went on the British finally agreed to make a compromise. The poorest peasants would not be expected to pay tax. This was a success for Gandhi as it was the first major concession the British had made. The Satyagraha campaign also gained media attention and increased Gandhi's support around the country.
             Taking up the cause of the mill workers at Ahmedabad was Gandhi's next challenge. The issue for the mill workers was a bonus that had been given to them for working in Plague conditions had been cut and the protesting workers had been locked out. This was the first campaign were the tactic of fasting was used to persuade opponents. Gandhi gave the mill an ultimatum saying that until the workers were paid more he would not eat. When Gandhi began his fast at the mill the owners (who were Indian) became afraid that Gandhi might die and agreed to pay the workers extra money. This was a success of the controversial method of fasting, which amounted to "emotional blackmail". Many people did not agree that fasting was compatible with the principles set out in Satyagraha.
             The first national Satyagraha campaign Gandhi led was the campaign against the Rowlatt laws.

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