The comprehensive schools (England, Wales and Scotland) or the grammar schools (as they are called in Northern Ireland) .
Elitza Petkova.
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prepare for the higher education and the secondary modern schools are usually left at the age of sixteen, which is the minimum leaving age. .
In Canada the secondary education are the high schools. They prepare either for the universities or for the post-secondary education at community collages or institutes of technology, or for the work place.
Both in Great Britain and Canada students take exams (tests) on certain key subjects in order to proceed to the post-secondary level. In Great Britain many students leave without having passed public examinations and having a certificate.
According to information published in "Britannica world data", in Canada the schools for the first and second level of education are 15,507.The teachers hired for these levels are 286,375 and the students are 5,129,060.For Great Britain the number of schools at the first level is 24,334,the teachers are 213,300 and the students are 4,662,800.In the second level of education there are 4,894 schools, 237,00 teachers and 3,531,700 students.
At the beginning in Canada the post-secondary or the higher education has been represented mainly by the universities, most of which private institutions."Today in Canada, some 200 technical institutes and community collages complement about 100 universities, attracting a total post-secondary enrolment of approximately one million students.".
Minister of Public Works and Government Services, 2001,Catalog No.PF3-2/15-2001.
Canadian universities are internationally known. In them students can receive bachelor's degree after three or four years of study, a master's degree for about two years of education in concrete discipline. Receiving a doctor's degree is much more complicate because it takes a lot of researches, which takes different time to do.