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Odyssey women relationships

10: 383-386). However, when it is suggested, neither Odysseus nor Circe show any concern about leaving, "Do not stay on unwillingly," (Od. 10: 499) suggests the goddess. Circe then gives Odysseus instructions to travel to the underworld. When he returns, she gives him further instructions and they part without remorse. In Odysseus" relationship with Circe, Homer explores a chiefly physical relationship between a man and woman in which the power balance is virtually equal.
             Odysseus" initial encounter with the Nymph Calypso, following the destruction of his ship and death of his crew at Zeus" hand, is not explored by Homer. When we come across the relationship in the poem, we see Odysseus trapped by her powers. He is unhappy on her island, and longs for home; He is "looking out across the barren sea with streaming eyes" (Od. 5: 84). Despite these feelings, or perhaps as a result of Calypso's power over him, he continues to share her bed as he did with Circe. However, after seven years he tires of this and is eager to seize the opportunity of departure presented by Hermes. does show concern for his wife, and an impatience to return home, "I too know well enough that my wise Penelope's looks and stature are insignificant compared with yours. Nevertheless I long to reach my home." (Od. 5: 216-220). Unlike Circe, we see that Calypso has developed an obsessive of love for Odysseus and does not want him to leave, in fact she expresses a desire to marry him. She is angered by Zeus" decision, but can no nothing but comply. Eventually, Odysseus wins her good will by comparing her favourably with his own wife, "I too know well enough that my wise Penelope's looks and stature are insignificant compared with yours. Nevertheless I long to reach my home." (Od. 5: 216-220). She is sad to see Odysseus go, but eventually sends him favourable winds that send him on his way. In comparison to the relationship between Circe and Odysseus, with Calypso, affection is not mutual.

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