"" Computers can be found in the home, school, factory, and office; digital technologies, such as cameras, video games, and CD-ROMs are also a commonplace. There is no doubt that computers are definitely making individuals smarter and more wiser by the second. In fact some people are becoming too smart for their own good. What exactly am I talking about? I'm talking about a group of elite cyber-surfers who have turned into today s computer hackers. . .
Deviance -Emile Durkeim .
Along with computers comes the popular online system called the Internet. On the Net, one must search for, rather than simply look at, information. This forces one to develop thinking and investigative skills, they must become critics of which web sites are good and what is real and what is fictitious. Unfortunately there are some cyber-surfers who take this intelligence way to far which is called Hacking. "Hacking: "Slang word for a computer enthusiast. One who breaks into the computer system of a company or government."( Kashmanian, ¶ 5) According to Healy, J. M. (1998, 4) most hackers break into computers not to wreak havoc, but simply to explore and share information with one another. A small minority, however, do wish to create mischief. These individuals are the ones who have the public fearing hackers. Which bring us to Emile Durkheim theory that Deviance brings about social change. The social change that is evident in the case of .
hackers is fear, fear of surfing the internet with privacy. Hacking is a major crime on the .
Net. "$7.5 billion of American Software is stolen each year from hacking."" (Healy, 4) Stealing of information from corporate sites is extremely illegal. "Industrial Espionage a hacking system is gaining access to remote sites illegally by using Password Sniffers-. The concern with the public is "is my personal information safe?" Unfortunately, computer hackers in today's world are becoming more intelligent.