e. malpractice insurance rate's which are skyrocketing, and inflating educational costs. The private sector discriminates against persons with higher risks of becoming sick and those who have been sick. The federal Government decides who of those unable to secure private coverage, will have the right to receive substandard care a.k.a. Medicare and Medicaid. Governmental limits dictate what type of treatments options are available, usually only one, with out regard to actual care for the patient. In an extreme shift in its policy the Institute of Medicine is now of the opinion the Federal Government not only should but must take a leadership role in reforming the entire healthcare system. .
Government incentives, payments, and regulations would have a tremendous effect on the practices of hospitals, clinicians, other institutions and providers. A system where the private and public sectors were linked with forced cooperation might be one answer. Developing a design using other countries healthcare systems as the pilots collecting and using this data, a universal system could be constructed system for the future of health care. There by ensuring all Americans have access to quality health care and increasing the productivity of the work force. .
Using a model of cooperation, where both the Private Sectors and Government have roles, but monitored by some sort of governing body not in either group. This body would need to have the authority to keep both the federal government and the private sector focused on patient care, what is best for the patient. This body should not permeate members or have ties to insurance or big government, but should have working knowledge involve primary care, specialties and current treatments. A second alternative, that I embrace, is to remove the private insurance and state governments from the picture and removing the barriers by nationalizing health care including medications.