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Australian Aboriginal Spirituality.

             _ The Diversity of Expression of Aboriginal Belief Systems and Spirituality Today.
             _ Aboriginal Spirituality has been influenced by Christianity.
             _ Aboriginal Christian Church.
             _ Aboriginal art forms dominate the more European style.
             _ 1985, Australia"s first Aboriginal Bishop, Arthur Malcolm was consecrated.
             _ 1996, Australia"s first Aboriginal female priest.
             _ recognition of link between the gospel and Dreaming Stories.
             _ urban Aborigines.
             _ expression through politics, native title claims.
             _ traditional.
             _ The integration of Christianity and Aboriginal belief systems by Many Aboriginal People.
             _ for some Aborigines, it is possible to reconcile Aboriginal religion and Christianity.
             _ eg, Donga Mununguritj- a Christian leader from the Yirrkala community NT: "many laws and customs are.
             similar, but there are differences.you can not chose whether or not you are an Aboriginal, but you can.
             chose your way of life$.
             _ Aboriginal spirituality viewed as "culture," not as religion, therefore, Christianity becomes "religion" and.
             "cultural" Aboriginal ceremonies are still performed.
             - "I have not come to abolish, I have come to complete$.
             The Differences Between Aboriginal Beliefs and Spirituality and Non-aboriginal Religious beliefs and.
             _ Aboriginal land ownership is based on:.
             _ shared custody of ritual estate.
             _ depended on for continuity.
             _ "ownership" since the Dreaming.
             _ European land ownership based on:.
             _ belief that land can be purchased.
             _ contract between two parties, usually involving a written document.
             _ purchasing for money,eg Abraham purchased land.
             _ the significance of lore to land to Aborigines:.
             _ land is shared property.
             _ contains story of land.
             _ oral tradition.
             _ spirit of ancestors responsible for formation of land.
             _ the significance of spirituality to land to Europeans.
             _ land is a place to raise a family.
             _ one can move, is not tied to the land.
             _ Aboriginal beliefs about land rights.
             _ land given by ancestors.

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