The main conflicts in this story are inner, and the author has used Symbolism, and a first person view to convey the conflict experienced in Holden Caulfield. .
Salinger uses two important techniques to highlight the conflict in this film, one is the first person narrative form. This story is written in this form to connect show, first hand to the audience what Holden's emotions and his thought. Another technique Salinger uses is the reparative contrast between the good and bad in the world. Often a bad encounter is followed by a better one, the author tries to show us that there is booth good and bad in the world and there "is" light at the end of the tunnel. An example of this contrast would be meeting the nuns after the encounter with the prostitute. These two are opposites of each other, one representing good part of women, pure and innocent, and the other representing the more sinister part of women spoilt and impure. These two put together is like putting diamond to black velvet, the black under the white diamond intensifies the whiteness of the diamond.
Similarly to Salinger who explains the inner tumoral and despairs of his fictional character, Holden, Frances Echin explores the conflict experienced by an Asian boy and one of his opponents who is also the narrator, in the short story "Tri". In this short story, initially the main conflict focus on an Asian boy being beaten in the toilets, but it moves on to one of his opponents, who experiences a great inner conflict as he sees his opponent beaten up, we as viewers were represented with an image of him as being unsure of what to do, he feels sympathy for the boy but is peer pressured by his friends. A quote form the story "Gee Greg, that"ll do for now. He knows we've beat him" shows how he wants this to stop, but doesn't want to anger his friend. This conflict intensifies in the short story until in the end of the film, when he rushes out of the toilet, sees the kid, and chases after him, he realised what he had been doing.