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Explain how the Nazi Party consolidated its power in Germany

             The Nazis were able to consolidate power at such an early stage of their reign because they immediately began eliminating anything that either stood in their way or posed as a threat against a Nazified Germany. Great terror pervaded Germany as Hitler's Storm Troopers (SA) arrested and imprisoned those who presented any resistance or opposition to the Nazi Party. "Brutality impresses" were two of Hitler's convictions nevertheless. Then by that conviction, Hitler's supporters roamed the country, harassing Communists, Socialists and any others judged to be a threat to ensure that the Nazis achieve absolute power in the Reichstag. .
             Absolute power in the Reichstag was achieved in less than a year. By March 1933 the Communists had been banned from taking their seats, and the Enabling Act gave the Cabinet a variety of legislative and budgetary powers and the authority to suspend the constitution. Furthermore, just a month afterwards, the German state governments were discharged and replaced by governors responsible to Hitler. Ultimately, in January 1934, the process of centralising political power was completed when all state assemblies were eradicated and their powers relocated to the central government. Hitler's use of the masterly notion of "Brutality impresses" was depicted in the "Night of the Long Knives" on 30 June 1934, where the murders of people who posed a challenge to Hitler's position (in particular, Ernst Rohm and General von Schleicher) and the annihilation of the SA took place. It was not only to consolidate Hitler's position in the Nazi Party, but also was an implementation in discriminatory terror intended to exterminate Hitler's immediate rivals and intimidate others into compliance. This certified that Hitler was able to finish the procedure of becoming dictator of Germany with the acquisition of power over the military, hence ensuring the Nazi's consolidation of power.

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