Addie Bundren conjures up the central darkness derived from her death .
causes actions in which each Bundren character takes advantage of Addie. With .
the character's actions .
revolving around her death, William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying reveals the .
truth about the people who .
surround a person may take advantage of him or her. The death of Addie .
Bundren shapes all of the .
character's actions in life including Addie's final request before her .
death. Addie takes advantage of her .
death by using it for revenge and inflicting final pains upon some .
characters, while the other characters use .
her to get what they want for their personal needs. .
Addie causes all the painful actions around her family either .
directly or indirectly. Addie is .
foremost the prominent abuser of her upcoming death in As I Lay Dying. She .
predetermines her time to .
die, and she makes sure that the people in her family whom she dislikes must .
experience her wrath before .
she moves on to the next life. "Addie is the one who is dying, but she makes .
revenges run throughout the .
family and extend beyond" (Wadlington 35). Inflicting pain mostly on Anse, .
Addie enjoys herself. Anse, a .
lazy man, is forced by his wife to take her to Jefferson to be buried as her .
final request. Addie's revenge .
on Anse was payback for all the times when he just sat around while Addie, .
her children, and sometimes .
neighbors do all the hard work for him. Also "Addie reacts to Anse's arid .
conventionality by having a .
clandestine affair with minister Whitfield" (Wadlington 31). Addie also .
indirectly hurts one of her favorite .
sons, Cash. Cash is hurt indirectly when he helps !.
his kinfolk carry his mother's coffin to Jefferson, where along the path, he .
breaks his leg while crossing a .
flooded river. Although Cash is one of Addie's favorites besides Jewel, .
Addie's cruel revenge carries over .
to Cash's broken leg, which later becomes infected. Besides her indirect .