As god chose to reveal himself in male form the symbol of him should be male. It could be argued that in having a strictly male priesthood the church is merely mirroring the actions that god took by using a male to communicate spiritual gifts. Cardinal Carter, former Archbishop of Toronto stated, "During mass, the priest acts in the person of Jesus. Since Jesus was male, a priest of matching gender more directly affects the fact that it is Christ who is present." It could be said that placing such emphasis on gender is giving the impression that Christianity was never intended to include women; therefore stating it is justifiable to deny female ordination.
Though a priest is seen as a symbol of Christ the church have found it acceptable to compromise on other key aspects, these include age, race and religion. The church has no problem with Black Jewish priests from Germany it is just gender that is a discriminative factor. .
In terms of ordination the bible has no specific teaching. The debate of ordination is down to interpretation. It must be kept in mind that Jesus ordained no one. Jesus had no problems with acquainting with both males and females he had both male and female disciples, Pope John Paul II stated recently "Jesus went out of his way to include men and women disciples". The first apostle of all was the apostle to the Samaritans, the women at the well. The first apostles of the resurrection were Mary Magdalene and her friends. There were also many other apostles, women, appointed by the risen Christ (1 Corinthians 15:6). Mary Magdalene and Martha were close friends of Jesus and Jesus would have confided in them greatly. If Jesus can have such respect for women why can't the church in letting them be ordained?.
However, at the last supper Mary Magdalene was asked to leave, it was a clear instruction that Jesus only wanted males around him at this time. It was arranged in such a way that it was twelve men that Jesus spoke to and instructed about the sacrament of the Eucharist.