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Persuesive essays suck ass

The problem is that most of the authorities who would decide where a youth could skateboard feel that skateboarding is useless. Adults have a tendency to look at things in the long run, and fighting over skateboarding does not make any sense in the long run. How many 15 or16 year olds have plans of skateboarding for the rest of their life? The idea of a 30 year old skateboarding around town causes me to laugh very loudly, even when I am by myself. It seems pointless, and maybe even infeasible, to argue about a subject you know you will not care about in a few years time. Casino gambling has been a subject of many editorials in the major newspapers. If a teenager were to write an essay about casino gambling, it would be an utter waste of time. If you really want to gamble you do not need a casino to do it. The funds raised by casinos do not even reach the city where I live. So why argue about casino gambling? Most normal teenagers should not care about abortion, assisted suicide, and topics of that nature, yet they write persuasive essays about these subjects. The reason is that they have to in order to get a good grade in that class. A teenager might care about a persuasive essay about legalizing hemp, but in that paper he would never express his real opinion. I do not think any teenager cares that hemp is a good cash crop, or that it can be used in rope, or to make clothes. The truth is that teenagers want to smoke weed, preferably in front of adults, and do it all legally. The driving privilege would seem to be a good thing to write about, but how many adults wake up in the morning excited because they get to drive to work? Increasing your curfew would be a good thing to convince your parents to do. So why write a paper about it, then hand the paper to your English teacher? It does not make sense to write persuasive essays. Aside from being senseless, writing persuasive essays can be strenuous on students and teachers.

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