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australian capatalism

This supports the Marxists theory that states "Basically, the state always works in the interests of the dominant, ruling, economic class: it favours and supports 'capital'." (Macionis et al 1997, p.452) A media release issued Wednesday 14 October 1998 by the National Tax and Accountants Association in regard to the inequity of the proposed income tax system also supports the Marxist theory. According to Ray Regan, President of the National Tax and Accountants Association, "under a GST big businesses will continue to fly first class, travel around in their limousines, go on junket trips overseas and live a lavish lifestyle, but not pay one cent more tax". This is not a fair taxation system; an efficient taxation system should not be beneficial to some and not others. Bennett (1992, p.222) writes, "Politicians rarely confront the public face to face to discuss issues and policy" yet it is accepted practice in the Australian political arena. Instead of making an effort to understand issues too many people base their decisions on what they are told and accept this at face value, they do not question or seek out the underlying truths. An example of this is the initial media representation of the Goods and Services Tax exemptions. The government believes that to apply GST to education would discriminate against private providers (The Howard Government 1998). The exemptions were accepted and applauded by the public as they were led to believe that all charges, in particular regard to education, were to be exempt. The National Tax and Accountants Association soon alerted the public of this gross misrepresentation. Ray Regan in a media release issued 30 July 1998 states, "it is very important for the public to quickly understand that with health, education and childcare the Government is most certainly not talking about a blanket exemption whatsoever. In reality, each of these three essential items will have many components that will be subject to the new GST tax which people will have to pay for the rest of their lives.

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