" (2.7.4-5). When the reader first sees this, he thinks the gold casket would make the most sense. Portia's father would have put her picture in there, because it is gold and full of riches as is Portia. Reading into this the reader might think that Portia's father would not put her picture in this one, because love is richer than gold. The prince that would pick this one is not interested in love only Portia's wealth. The second casket made of silver states "Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves." (2.7.7) I have yet to think why any Prince with half a brain would pick this casket over gold or lead. To pick this, deep inside, they did not want to marry Portia. Apparently, the gold wasn't intriguing enough for them yet the lead was too poor. The lead casket would be the most appealing to the Prince who really wants to win Portia's heart and not her riches. This scroll reads "Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath." (2.7.9) When Bassanio and Portia discuss his choices she asks him to think about his choices carefully because it will determine their future forever. Bassanio although deeply in debt to moneylenders, can see past the gold and silver of the first two caskets, and hazards his chance with the lead casket. The scroll inside this casket proves this point;" You that chose not by the view, Chance as fair, and choose as true: Since this fortune falls to you, Be content, and seek no new. If you be well pleas"d with this, And hold your fortune for your bliss, Turn you where your lady is, and claim her with a loving kiss."(3.2.130-138) From the beginning of the play, Portia seems for those times more or less of a free spirit. She has been in Belmont all of her life and knows little about Venice and its residents lifestyles. Portia's father seemed to have instilled values and love in Portia from a very young age. She was taught to love and to be kind and that money could not buy love and happiness.