Its Del Monte Gold Pineapples have made it the world's #1 pineapple seller. The firm is also one of the world's top banana producers. Produce is grown on company-owned farms and purchased from contract growers.
Grocery retailers such as Vons don't carry both Dole and Chiquita bananas in their markets at one given time; therefore, the competition between these competitors can be fierce. The exclusive right to a retailer is based on a contract that may last up to 2 years. During that time, the banana marketer with the contract will not compete with the other banana marketing companies for that given retailer. .
Chiquita maintains high quality specifications and requires adherence to stringent quality controls and harvest guidelines, which means their customers receive only the best produce. .
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables.
Besides bananas, Chiquita markets a huge selection of delicious fruits and vegetables. Chiquita selects the best quality fruit from places like Chile, Mexico and Brazil and carefully ships them north to tantalize its customer's taste buds (
Juices & Beverages.
Chiquita has a number of beverages to choose from. They've got fruit juices, fruit drinks and sports drinks in refrigerated and shelf-stable varieties. Among their most popular are individual Chiquita 100% juice boxes which come in three blends: "Wild Berry Splash," "Tropical Paradise" and "Calypso Breeze;" and Sports Blast, a naturally flavored sports drink for kids (
Packaged Foods.
There are now over 150 Chiquita branded products, which are sold in over 60 countries. They carry Chiquita pre-cooked, frozen plantain slices, the "cooking cousins" of bananas (
Fruit Ingredients.
There are more than 30 different processed banana products, including a variety of shelf-stable ingredients that other food processors use in their products. These ingredients are used in bakery products like banana bread and muffins, cakes, pies and donuts.