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messages of morality

"" It embraces a simple theme of the conformist philosophy on the issue of a man's deliverance or salvation. For the play to be a success, the audience at the end not only must be exposed to, but also must comprehend the intricate messages exposed in successive steps during the production of the play. One of the best examples of allegorical drama is the fifteenth century morality play entitled Everyman. The fundamental nature of this play exhibits the use of allegory as a means to address the complex system of values that fulfills the ideological structure of the Orthodox value system, while building on the traditional imagery of the time period. Because an allegory was something an artist created by selecting the conflict the characters were to play out, it was necessary to explain the theme to its audience. For example; Everyman begins with the words, "Here beginneth a treatise how the high Father of Heaven/ sendeth Death to summon every creature to come and/ give account of their lives in this world, and is in manner/ of a moral play.""(Everyman intro) "And ends with a speech by the Doctor enclosing the moral of the tale by restating points the audience should take heed to:.
             "Doctor: This moral men may have in mind.Ye hearers, take it of worth, old and young,/And forsake Pride, for he deceiveth you in the end;/ And remember Beauty, Five Wits, Strength, and Discretion,/ They all at the last do every man forsake,/ Save his Good Deeds there doth he take."" (Everyman 901-907).
             The characters do not simply have names and qualities; they are those qualities. For example, when the characters are introduced, God comes first. He believes that the spiritual life of human beings is desolate and blind--that everyman is preoccupied with material possessions, and people have totally forgot the lessons that Jesus taught them. Everyman has become a degenerate partisan of insatiability, and therefore God decides to ascertain righteousness to everyman living without fear; sending Death as a messenger to Everyman for his day of reckoning.

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